Saturday, February 27, 2010

Can an 18 yr old pay for a hotel room?

My boyfriend might be coming to visit, and I was wondering if he could get a hotel room even if he is 18. Does anyone know?

Thanks!Can an 18 yr old pay for a hotel room?
you have to call the hotel and ask. I got hotel rooms when I was 18, but a couple times i was told there must be at least one person over 21 in the room. It depends on the hotel and the laws in the areas. Some areas require you to be 21 because of prostitution problems.Can an 18 yr old pay for a hotel room?
It depends where you are. If you are in UK then at 18 you are an adult so of course you can get a hotel room. I don't know the rules anywhere else, but I don't see any reason why not as long as he has a credit card to secure the room.
UMMMMM shure if you have money to pay for the hotel room, what are you gonna do in this hotel room?
yes an 18 yr old can get a hotel room

Christians, would you have a problem with a Muslim group putting copies of the Koran in hotel rooms...?

...with the Bible?Christians, would you have a problem with a Muslim group putting copies of the Koran in hotel rooms...?
NopeChristians, would you have a problem with a Muslim group putting copies of the Koran in hotel rooms...?
I wouldn't mind either.
That would be kool

I'd like to compare them both

but since I own both already I can do that at home
Don't really know any Christians that would personally. And I know many Christians.

Isn't this more a question for Polls and Surveys, though?

Of course they would. Of course, that opens up another can of worms, I think. Why can't I put copies of a Stephen King novel in hotel rooms? They're all just as fictional.
Absolutely not. Though I am not the one who dictates what is put in hotel rooms.
As long as it's an English translation... otherwise, it would be of no use to anyone who didn't speak Arabic. Some motels already have a Book of Mormon along with the Bible. I have no problem with it. No one is forced to read anything.
Not if I lived in a muslim nation. This country and it's traditions aren't based on Islam, why mess it up.
not at all. So the question should be WHY DON'T THEY?
no, it will only collect dust just as the bible.
Personally I say put them both side by side and let every person read each in its entirety and reflect on both of them. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is proven out through the scriptures.
No, of course not. I have read it, along with the Book of Mormon and Dyanetics. How can one comment on a religion if one knows nothing of it. Not that it stops most people on here.
We do put them in hotel rooms, there are already some places, some hotels that have them but were trying so that all of em have a Qur'an.
not at all
It's the right of the hotel owners to put whatever reading material they want, or none at all, in the room.
It is only fair. Either have them all, or none at all, so you have to include the book of Mormon, Iliad and the Odyssey, etc. In fact, throw in The God Delusion for good measure.
No. Not at all. In fact i have read the Koran. I beieve that if anyone is confident in his faith then there is no need to fear anyone else's faith.
I think if they include the bible, then they should include all religions and belief systems.

This is USA ';freedom of religion'; which is a great thing!

I mean even though the Koran in particular list things such as:

Koran Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians (infidels) as friends

Koran Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or die by the sword.

Koran Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as “apes and swine to be despised and rejected.”

and children's songs contain phrases like “until their blood runs in the streets” and “we will become martyrs for Allah”.

Why not, I guess that isn't any worse than watching certain violent things on TV in the hotel room.

So I say sure do it, but include all religions and ';belief systems'; to make it balanced for everyone.... they better get book shelves for the rooms.

OR maaayyybe they could not have any books in the rooms because I am sure any who would want to read religious books would bring their own.
I certainly wouldn't. Unfortunately, most Christians rarely open their own bible, so a Koran probably wouldn't make many waves.
I could care less. I'm not gonna read them.
I think that if you request on reservation or at the desk you could probably get one at most bigger hotel chains. Sadly, even the capitalist portion of our country still assumes everyone is a Christian.
  • kawasaki
  • Are you allowed to drink alcohol in your hotel room if on jury service?

    As long as you don't imbibe enough that it prevents you from performing your duties as a juror it is fine... however the Judge may set rules for you that require you not to.Are you allowed to drink alcohol in your hotel room if on jury service?
    why not?its not probation.just like one of your other answerers said,as long as it doesn't affect you in the court room.take it easy.Are you allowed to drink alcohol in your hotel room if on jury service?
    Not before you go to court. LOL! Maybe after.
    Why would you be in a hotel?. I have done jury service twice, but went home every night

    i don't like it

    : )))
    Most definitely. Just make sure that you have some breath mints the next morning or whenever you have to be back in court. Make sure you have some Red Bull too so you don' t fall asleep in court. Good times!!!

    Any ideas on how to get a free hotel room?

    w/o all the hassle of ff miles or hotel points or all that other stuff.Any ideas on how to get a free hotel room?
    NoAny ideas on how to get a free hotel room?
    I suppose you could knock on all the doors and ask the guest who answer if they mind if you sleep in their room with them.
    always bring a dead hooker with you on vacation...then claim you found her under the mattress...your next stay will always be free
    go one one of them time share tours
    U wish
    Win yourself a hotel complimentary stay voucher in your company's annual dinner. That should do the trick. (Make sure you attend the dinner).

    Is it allowed to use candles in a hotel room?

    im going to a wedding at the weekend and have a posh hotel room booked..thought id make it romantic for me and my boyfriend by using candles...i was going to put them around the room (safely of course) and in the bathroom etc to create a nice atmosphere (you get the idea) BUT, is this ok?or will it set any alarms off etc?as long as im careful with them as i am at home will i be ok or are there rules about this kinda thing?


    Is it allowed to use candles in a hotel room?
    Its based on each hotels rules and regulations. Like someone above said, some fire alarms are extra sensitive in hotels. Your best bet is to ring the hotel beforehand and ask :)

    Have a good time! :)Is it allowed to use candles in a hotel room?
    The smoke alarm is your main concern, most I have been in say the alarm is so sensitive that even steam from the shower can set it off

    The last thing you want is to be stood outside doing a head count in the freezing cold at 2am.

    This happened to us once (no we weren't to blame before you ask!)

    Give the hotel a bell and ask if it is allowed
    I have used candles a couple of times in hotels with no bother. I do stay in smoking rooms though - no idea if that makes any difference. Just make sure you put something sturdy and heat proof under each candle - you don't want burnt furniture added to your bill!

    Enjoy your night!
    Go for it! I always take travel candles with me and have never had a problem with smoke alarms or staff. In fact, some hotels even provide candles in the rooms. I like the fragrance and I love my candle lit baths. As long as you're sensible there won't be any issues at all.
    Glad you asked this haha cause me n my bf are going to be staying in a hotel over my 21st, and i was wondering the same thing!

    Youve got two options i reckon...1.Get ur bf to phone the hotel and ask - get him to tell a porkie like say he is whisking u away for a secret romantic weekend and he wants to know if he can use candles.

    or 2. Dont phone, just go ahead and risk it!
    I don't think you are as it would probably start a fire alarm and would be classed as a danger hassared, but depends ask the hotel.
    As long as your careful it should be fine. Candles arent going to set off any fire alarms unless they are smoking a lot which i doubt they will.

    Have fun!
    Check with reception, but they might say no as it is comfortable option. I would take a risk and enjoy- you are not going anywhere!!!
    What they don't know can't hurt them. Just dont burn the place down, kay?

    What kind of card can I use online to book a hotel room fast? (I don't have a credit card)?

    My hubby and I wanna go outta town and reserve a hotel room online cause its cheaper..problem is we both don't have credit cards and we wanna do this asap. If I run to the store and buy a Visa Gift card, will they accept that? I'd get a debit card, but it takes a week or 2 to get it and we want something fast..thanxWhat kind of card can I use online to book a hotel room fast? (I don't have a credit card)?
    You can use your debit cardWhat kind of card can I use online to book a hotel room fast? (I don't have a credit card)?
    yes you can use a prepaid visa card- just make sure you put enough to cover a week's worth because hotels usually put a hold on whatever card you use for the approx amount for the duration of your stay

    Why are hotel rooms so creepy?

    Ok, so my job requires me to stay in a hotel room at least once a month. And I have noticed that hotel rooms naturally give me the creeps..even if its new..Why is that do you think? Not so much fear...just an uneasy your being watched or something...anyway..just curious...I am on night number 11 in one now and just thought I would ask..haha thanks!!Why are hotel rooms so creepy?
    ugh, ever since I saw a Dateline episode where they took a blacklight into a hotel room I cannot touch anything in one with my bare skin.Why are hotel rooms so creepy?
    Because it's not home, where your heart is.
    I find them creepy too! Personally, I don't enjoy sleeping in places that aren't my own bed. Being in a unknown place makes things a little uncomfortable, as well as not knowing who or what was in the room before you can make things seem creepy. I've also watched a lot of horror movies that occur in hotels. Realistically I don't usually feel fear in them either, but I usually can't wait to get out the next day! It also depends where the hotel is located. I feel more uncomfortable when the hotel is in a more remote area, rather than a big city.
    I pretty much live in hotels and extended stay properties all over the country while working, and I don't find them creepy. In most cases, I try to stay at quality places (Hilton, Marriott, etc.). My obsession is, it has got to be clean!
    you are probably sensitive - if the room feels cold (a/c notwithstanding)

    usually indicates spirit there. Keep Psalm 91 handy - they have Bibles in hotel rooms - open it to that page - it is protection, read it a few times - you'll feel better and God Bless.
    i think everyone who stays in a hotel room leaves a sort of energy in the air behind. it could be that these energies and the fact that you aren't at your own home could be the reason why you are uncomfortable
    cus youre alone

    and u know know whats ever happened there

    ihate being there by myself too :)
    Depending on the country and the age of the place you're staying in, a high EM field from older wiring can cause anxiousness, anxiety, and similar feelings like you're being watched. It could also mean that you, like many in the population, are just more sensitive to EM fields than most and feel the effects more readily than others. The detection of EM fields is one tool we use in Paranormal Investigations to debunk a place believed to be haunted. In many cases strong EM fields caused by many factors are to blame than the presence of an entity. The human body is very reactive to magnetic fields.

    Stronger EM fields can be caused by older wiring, good wiring with bad shielding, electrical appliances that are older or may have damage (a recent case in one hotel found where a faulty overhead fan's EM field was causing problems for EM sensitive people).

    Finding out if this is your problem is easy enough - Gauss/milliGauss meters (EM Field meters) are fairly inexpensive, although the rise in paranormal investigations has made their price go up recently. Take one when you travel, and in those areas where you feel uneasy, use the meter to check outlets, appliances, lights, electrical fixtures, etc., and take readings where you feel the effects. Take a comparison reading in areas where you feel comfortable before you travel to get an idea of the field you're most at ease in, then use it to see how it matches with readings in areas that make you uneasy. If the EM field is stronger than just background, or stronger than your baseline comparison, it's likely the cause of your problem. You'll know for sure as you compare different areas over time.

    As I said, many people are EM field sensitive without realizing it - they just attribute it to other factors or keep it to themselves. You can get EMF meters locally or online.